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Adam does naked yoga and then takes some belt licks for xmas

Published by AdamnisBored

Video Transcription

Come into downward facing dog.

Sink down deep between your shoulder blades. Let your tailbone reach towards the sky as the heels press down towards the earth.

Inhale, bend your knees and look forward.

Exhale, step your right foot forward between your arms and drop your left knee down.

Inhale, sweep your arms up and bring biceps by the ears.

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Active fingers.

Press the hips forward and take a gentle back bend.

Exhale, bring the arms down and step your back foot forward.

Let the crown of the head reach for the earth and relax the neck.

Inhale, lift the chest halfway up.

The spine is straight. The fingertips are in line with the toes.

Exhale for repent.

Inhale, sweep up from your core into mountain pose with the biceps by the ears.

Tuck the pelvis and take a gentle back bend.

Exhale, bring your hands down to your heart.

Inhale, gather up the energy as you move the arms up.

Exhale, forward bend.

Inhale, lift the chest halfway up. The neck is a natural extension of the spine.

Exhale, step your left foot back and drop your left knee down.

Inhale, sweep your arms up and bring biceps by the ears,

active fingers.

Exhale, bring the arms down and step your foot foot back. High push-up to low push-up.

Inhale, roll through to upward facing dog.


  • 53,361
  • 20:41